Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Quaresmas stories - The Easter Bunny Hunt

It was easter on chobot world and they were planning to have a party in the planet vanilla. They were getting ready early in the morning for the party. Quaresma was decorating the scenery, Arshavin12 was giving out the easter eggs and Alecwillis was setting out tables and food, but all they needed was an easter bunny, so they called onto Cat to help them find one. The nominees were: Chicagobot, Simon_dhillon97, maxgeorgeoo7, avie, william and lavadog. They were each tested to be the best easter bunny ever, but it seemed like none of them had that little bit of extra to make the perfect bunny but they were good enough.
They were at it for hours. But inbetween those hours there were little suprises, the first suprise was a jack in the box, that was on the list for unpredictible, the next suprise was a letter on the ground, Quaresma picked it up and read it, he chuckled through it a bit and untill the end the best bit he cracked up, that was on list for humor and the last suprise was a video left on one of the tables in the cafe, Alecwillis picked up the video and put it in he dvd player and his house. The video was absoloutly excellent, it was a mistery chobot who hid his face doing tremendous things like dancing, magic tricks aerobics, almost everything to keep an audience in amusment, so he went back to the cafe to show Quaresma and Quaresma was gobsmacked, " we have got to find this mistery chobot who is doing this, i bet hes the one doing all these suprises" Quaresma said, then suddenly Arshavin12 called for Quaresma and Alescillis to come to the cafe street quickly. They came out side and Arshavin12 showed them this littler trail of sweets on the ground, so they started to follow it.
They went all around the city of vanilla following the trail of sweets and picking each of them, and then they found out that the trail of sweets led back to the cae street, going towards one the the trees untill suddenly a chobot stepped out from behind the tree. It was Fishalate, he was the one doing all those supirises. Quaresma, Arshavin12 and Alecwillis asked Fishalate to be the easter bunny for the party and he accepted, just in time for the party. And Fishalate put on a wonderfull act entertaining all of the chobots who came and enjoyed the easter party.

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