Back in the late 2008s, my friend told me about chobots over msn, that time i used to always play clubpenguin, my username is theo8124(if you wanna add me). Then i stared chobots with the name 'quaresma' i never really cared about the rules back then i used to have atleast broken all of them but not all at once. On my first day i didnt say a thing, i kept silent when people pc me i didnt reply, when people add me i didnt accept but i only accepted my friend that invited me to chobots. On my second day i was doing cow mission and i didnt really know anything about the nichos, so when i dug the ground, spread the seeds and watered them, it got to the stage where i had to harvest them and feed the cow, so when i harvested the crop a nicho came up and stole the harvested crop and then i said something like "why did that idiot thing steal the crop" and then i got like a 10 minuite chat ban for saying bad words.
When i was about 10 there was this chobot called racine, i met her when she said who wants to date, i said yes cause i didnt know you wernt supposed to date. So then we talked and talked giving and receiving personal info, then i got out of hand when she started getting dirty minded and rude so she asked me a nasty question and someone reported her, then she started cussing the chobots, and because i wasnt helping her she got upset with me and left and never came back on.
When i was at the age somewhere after 50 i was in my first rain party and everyone was begging for rain, they were all screaming rain! Then i shouted 'RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN.... and carried on, people told me to stop but i didnt and then i did it to a point where i was annoying them, so some of them reported me for spamming and annoying.
In my mid 100s i was friends with a chobot called Alecwillis, we were trying to make a movie, but the plan failed a little when people went of to there own buisness so we cancled the idea because of not enough acters. Later that same day i was with my friend called kevin(his chobot is arshavin12), when i went away from the computer kevin went to my private chat i was having with alecwillis and said if he can have his password for his account so he can see what its like being a citizen. but alecwillis had no clue it wasnt me(quaresma) so he deleted me and reported me for scamming. But now...
I am having a spectacular time on chobots, i get more attention than i used to, im more popular, more people visit my blog and some people are trying to reccommend me to agents, i got mod friends and i am loving my new life on chobots, my first 200 days atleast were a bit bumpy and rough but now ive changed and have a much more likely chance of being an agent than i did before, me and alecwillis are friends again, said goodbye to old friends and hello to new but there are just some friends that i just cant delete and they'v been on my list through about 95% of my cho life. So thank you chobots for the inspiration in changing my life ~ Quaresma ;)