Quaresmas stories

Halloween horrifyer 
On a dark and stormy halloween night, chobots were romming all around mimo city for tricks and treats... but there was a mischeavious chobots, Quaresma, who always causes problems. Hinchyc went to the cafe for some pizza from the owner william and a cup of choshake, but to hinchyc's terror quaresma was hiding under the table up to no good, he stuffed the pizza in hinchyc's face and poured the choshake all over him "hahaha i already gave you the trick but no treat for you" said quaresma. At the park chlos and arshavin12 were haging out eating the candy they earnt, then quaresma sly as a fox crept up to them and jumped them and took their candy and swiftly hid behind chopix statue arshavin12 and chlos didnt know what happened. And to think quaresma couldnt get any worse, he pulled a trick on a mod... jessie2000 pleasantly and merrily skipped to quaresmas door dressed as a ghost "trick or treat!" she shouted "ok...TRICK" said quaresma as he cracked egg yoke on jessie2000, that furiated her so her and the others that got tricked went to hikikomori - the head of rain and rules and vayerman - the head of parties and inventions and complained so they sent a letter to quaresma inviting him to chobots kingdom. quaresma swaggered in like hes all that and stood infront of hiki and vayerman hid in the shadows were jessie2000, arshavin12, chlos and hinchyc and they all screamed BOOO! that shocked quaresma and he fell backwards into the statue of chobots great one smurfet. Quaresma gasped "WHO IS IT THAT SHATTERS THE STATUE OF SMURFET" bellowed vayerman "it be quaresma IMA FIREIN MA LAZOR!" screamed hiki "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" shrieked quaresma then everyone started laughing "trick ir treat" said everyone it was a trick a treat and a punnishment"said hiki, "i hope you've learned your lesson quaresma"said vayerman "i did" said quaresma and after that quaresma made no more bad tricks as he was icsolated by go! - the noughty chobot keeper.

Christmas tale
In the wonderful universe of Cho, there were 6 planets but in Live Star there were special things going on for the most wonderful time of the year... chriistmas. At home Quaresma woke up to the christmas day, he jumped out of his bed in joy, put on his winter clothes and went out into live star planning to go to every area wishing a happy christmas. At chollywood quaresma walked into the cinema to say hello to his good friends vit, jessica_crystals and hinchyc as they were watching the movie of the month 'chomas'. Next he went to rope street where he saw primarygames and hikikomori playin tug of war "merry christmas" they said, then quaresma moved on to the acadamy where he saw chlos crying "why are you crying chlos?" quaresma said. " Somebody stole all the packets of sliders, and i payed alot of money for them." Quaresma said he will get them back and punish the thief. He was at mission agency, it was closed and no one was around so he went to the space quay where he saw Smurfet collecting the litter. "Thanks smurf for keeping our streets clean," quaresma said. Still with no slider packs here, he walked on to the shop square. And there was simon_dhillon97 doing into the shop, he said he wanted to buy a hat, hes feeling chilly, then quaresma asked him if hes seen any sliders packs, simon_dhillon97 said no, so then quaresma moved on to the eco area, still no packets. At the park where the christmas tree was chicagobot and marialyn were singing christmas songs, then quaresma found a slider pack by the underground. He found one, then he went to cafe street, hen by the trees he found another pack and next to it there was a note saying 'steal all 4 slider packs in live star, hide 2 around the planet and hide the bring the rest into vanilla.' So quaresma went to hikikomori and asked to use the space ship to go to vanilla. In vanilla quaresma saw a chobot in black, he charged at him and floored him. It was a huge fight, but quaresma swiftly took of te mask and to his suprise it was arshavin12 with the packs of sliders, quaresma tied him to a tree and called cho-support. The cho-support police team of jessie2000, vayerman and zarich locked up arshavin12 for robbery of important equipment. And all the investigations were just in time for the christmas party. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE:D

The easter bunny hunt
It was easter on chobot world and they were planning to have a party in the planet vanilla. They were getting ready early in the morning for the party. Quaresma was decorating the scenery, Arshavin12 was giving out the easter eggs and Alecwillis was setting out tables and food, but all they needed was an easter bunny, so they called onto Cat to help them find one. The nominees were: Chicagobot, Simon_dhillon97, maxgeorgeoo7, avie, william and lavadog. They were each tested to be the best easter bunny ever, but it seemed like none of them had that little bit of extra to make the perfect bunny but they were good enough.
They were at it for hours. But inbetween those hours there were little suprises, the first suprise was a jack in the box, that was on the list for unpredictible, the next suprise was a letter on the ground, Quaresma picked it up and read it, he chuckled through it a bit and untill the end the best bit he cracked up, that was on list for humor and the last suprise was a video left on one of the tables in the cafe, Alecwillis picked up the video and put it in he dvd player and his house. The video was absoloutly excellent, it was a mistery chobot who hid his face doing tremendous things like dancing, magic tricks aerobics, almost everything to keep an audience in amusment, so he went back to the cafe to show Quaresma and Quaresma was gobsmacked, " we have got to find this mistery chobot who is doing this, i bet hes the one doing all these suprises" Quaresma said, then suddenly Arshavin12 called for Quaresma and Alescillis to come to the cafe street quickly. They came out side and Arshavin12 showed them this littler trail of sweets on the ground, so they started to follow it.
They went all around the city of vanilla following the trail of sweets and picking each of them, and then they found out that the trail of sweets led back to the cae street, going towards one the the trees untill suddenly a chobot stepped out from behind the tree. It was Fishalate, he was the one doing all those supirises. Quaresma, Arshavin12 and Alecwillis asked Fishalate to be the easter bunny for the party and he accepted, just in time for the party. And Fishalate put on a wonderfull act entertaining all of the chobots who came and enjoyed the easter party

Summer Vacation 
On a nice and sunny day in Chocolate, the chobots were in the classroom at there last lesson with choproff waiting for the bell to ring for summer vacation! it finally rung and the chobots ran outside with joy. Quaresma wondered home holding in all his excitement because he was going to fly out of planet cho to planet earth!! He arrived home and packed all his bags and went to the airport ready to fly to London. As he arrived Quaresma went to his hotel suit and unpacked his bags and started to relax on his luxurious bed watching 'Chobot Robot Battles.'
It seemed that Quaresmas holiday was really fun but that was just the beginning...
Quaresmas met a new friend called Guilepenguin and they went to play football (soccer) together. They were both having alot of fun until the skys turnt grey and rain started to drizzle and after little time it started pouring rain so they rushed inside. Quaresma just relaxed on his bed again and watched his favourite comody 'Williams epic movies,' now Quaresma didnt mind being insideby himself watching tv but he wanted company and play outside, but unfortunately the rain poured and poured and pored for three days. When the rain stopped Quaresma was eager to go outside and play so he called his friend Guilepenguin, but Guilepenguin caught a flue from the rain and was sick for a week, so that was a week and a half wasted out of Quaresmas 6 month vacation.
Eventually Quaresma got tired of London so he took a plane to California. He enjoyed the sun, he spent a week visiting the beach and another visiting amusement parks, famouse places and even hollywood. But Quaresma got bored because no chobot was with him and he also got homesick so he decided to take the plane back to planet cho, where they had parties and he got to play with all his friends.

So if theres anywhere else to spend summer vacation, spend it at planet cho ;)



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